How To Get Karma on Reddit-Best Tips To Use And Make Subreddit

Reddit Marketing

Are you using Reddit as a marketing platform and don’t know how to get karma on Reddit? If yes, you have come to the right place. You should know that karma allows your community to know how successful a Redditor you are. So, if you want to become successful on Reddit, you need to know.

What is Reddit karma?

Reddit karma is a total score of upvotes against the downvotes of an individual user. You should know that there are a few benefits of having Reddit karma – it allows you to create subreddit and follow some amazing communities, but mostly it’s related to reputation. Looking For the best Digital Marketing In Sriganganagar, Come Visit Provided Link.

 For instance, if you see a user with a high karma score, their comments and posts are liked a lot, so they are viewed by the majority of the same community. On the other hand, if you see a negative or low karma score, the posts, comments, and interactions of the user annoy or upsets people and mainly indicate towards the user as a troll, spammer, or bot. 

Knowing how to use Reddit would help in aligning with the terms and conditions of Reddit. So, to help you increase your karma on Reddit, here is a list of the top best tips that you can follow. 

Post Interesting Questions Related To Any Subject In R/Askreddit:

Reddit is a place where people are eager to share their knowledge and open to suggestions to improve their content. That means Reddit provides a great marketplace for promoting your brand. You should know that the authority of Reddit has created the subreddit features, which is like a community where people can discuss related to specific niches. IF you are looking for the best Social Media Marketing In Sriganganagar, Please Check Provided Link.

You might be wondering about how to make a subreddit? To do that, you have to earn some Karma points for being eligible for making a subreddit. You should know that if you want to earn more karma points, you need to post questions in the subreddit r/AskReddit, an open Q&A forum for all users.

That means people from every corner can post their queries related to any niche and even share their knowledge to help others. You can ask either open-ended questions or specific questions to experts. If you have posted a good question, you will likely receive more responses and, eventually, more upvotes. 

Post Between 6 – 8 Am ET On Sunday:

According to the recent statistics, Reddit receives the most traffic during 6 – 8 am ET on Sunday, which means people are likely to see more posts in the peak time. However, you should know that it is the timezone of New York and Reddit has an audience around the world.

That means this small window features the peak time for users looking for a way to earn more karma on their profile. Users should know that It is the best time to post on Reddit to gain more views and comments. However, it might seem a little odd but posting during Reddit’s peak hours is the best way to gain more engaging audiences.

That means posting in those hours has higher chances of getting engagement, whether you have to wake up early or stay up late at night (due to different time zones). It will help improve the karma score. Most of you might even have noticed that the most upvoted post on Reddit is uploaded in between peak times.

Comment On Popular And New Posts:

Another great obstacle of how to get karma on Reddit is visibility. Even if you have posted the most engaging and interactive comment on a certain post. There is a higher possibility of getting buried down by other content, and no one will get a chance to read it.

That means, if you are on the hunt for karma, you should comment on popular, new, and fresh posts to ensure your comment is highly visible to the poster. If the user likes your comment, they will upvote it and help you earn more comment karma.

There is a community for a Reddit small business where you would find new and powerful small industries ready to take their business to a whole new level. All you have to do is find the right that suits your interest and niche. So, you should know that you can free use Reddit to promote your brand. Whether it is social media marketing or google maps marketing, Reddit is the most recommended marketplace by top search engines where you can promote and grow your business exponentially.

Post And Comment On Dedicated Subreddits:

Some subreddit communities are dedicated to increasing the karma of each other. That means you have to find these subreddit communities and start posting anything you want in that community. The members of that specific community will automatically upvote your posts, and there is an unspoken agreement between the members to upvote others’ posts.

You should know that there is also an agreement. If you comment on a post, the uploader will upvote the comment, giving you more common karma. You might think, “how does Reddit work” by helping each other to reach the top.

Well, to understand this situation, you have to learn “what is Reddit used for?” As discussed above, Reddit is used for marketing your products & services or growing your brand. It helps in building a community, which is more engaging and interested in your content. 


When you begin your journey on Reddit, you might wonder how to create a subreddit? Well, it is not that difficult. All you need to do is post some engaging content or questions. It will help in earning Karma points. Or can you change your Reddit username to make it easily memorable? It will help users to recognize your posts and even hit the follow button.

You should know that karma score is determined based on comment karma and past karma. Both are considered while totaling karma scores. That means if you want to improve your karma score, you have to work on both posts and comments.

Another great thing about posting is that you will get an opportunity to respond to those comments, ultimately increasing your comment karma. Now you know how to get karma on Reddit, so what are you waiting for? Post your quality content right now.

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